Jim Abbott
Known as Abbott or Abbey around our offices (since there was already a Jim on board and the founder takes precedence), Jim is a lifelong resident of the Cleveland area. He came to Ashton in 2014 with a wealth of sales and marketing experience (and quite the collection of pants), which is precisely why he’s our sales and marketing manager!
A graduate of University School and The College of Wooster, Jim spent 14 years in a variety of marketing and analytical functions, first with Progressive Insurance, and then with KeyBank. After a stint representing a startup medical device company, Jim combined his sales and marketing background and moved into a lead role with WRIS Web Services. Initially focused on social media, Jim quickly moved into a Director role, charged with new business development and marketing WRIS products and services.
Jim’s ability to build and manage client relationships, combined with his marketing background, allows him to find new opportunities for his customers (and for Ashton), while bringing a variety of solutions to the table. If you have a question or concern about any of Ashton’s service offerings, he’s the guy to call. If you ask nicely, he might even give you some suggestions on your company website, social media, SEO, boat insurance, education loans or fashion (haha)! And if you’re interested, he’ll talk all day about sports, including those he used to coach; hockey, lacrosse, and baseball.