VoIP Solutions Can Have a Ton of Features

VoIP Solutions Can Have a Ton of Features A great many businesses nowadays have discovered the benefits of using the solutions available through improvements to the technology that has been around for decades – just not in its current form. One prime example is the use of Voice over Internet Protocol to fulfill a business’ […]
Backups Leave Your Business Secure

Backups Leave Your Business Secure In order to function properly, the modern business needs data. With the predictions of serious cyberattacks, like ransomware, that have been made for the coming year, there is no business that can neglect its data protections. Here, we’ll discuss what these predictions are and what you need to do to […]
BYOD Security Tips
BYOD Security Tips The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend continues to rise in the workplace. There are a number of benefits – and risks – that BYOD brings. For it to be successful, you must balance employee freedom and data security. You need a BYOD security policy. You also need to be aware of […]
$5m bounty set on the alleged head of Evil Corp banking Trojan group
$5m bounty set on the alleged head of Evil Corp banking Trojan group Some people are so rude. They hold up traffic in their garish Lamborghinis; they inflict epilepsy-threatening laser shows on their wedding guests; they remove adorable lion cubs from their mothers just to film them on their oriental carpets… …and they allegedly run […]
MSPs are Under Attack. Is Yours Taking the Proper Precautions?
In October 2018, and again in December of 2018, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI posted alerts about ongoing cyber-attacks against managed IT service providers. Since then, hundreds of businesses, hospitals, and governments have been temporarily shut down, paralyzed, and forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in ransom. How are these […]
6 Categories of essential cloud solutions
6 Categories of essential cloud solutions Over the past several years, the debate about cloud technology in business has moved away from “Is it a safe option?” to “How can I move more of my tools to the cloud?” There is an overwhelming number of options and many business owners don’t know where to start. […]
5 Signs of weak enterprise security
5 Signs of weak enterprise security As the number of cybersecurity threats increases, many business owners have no recourse but make cybersecurity a priority. But how does one know if your security measures are actually keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five ways you can tell if your security isn’t sufficient. Open wireless […]
How ransomware attacks
How ransomware attacks More than a decade after it first emerged, is the world any closer to stopping ransomware? Judging from the growing toll of large organizations affected by what has become the weapon of choice for so many criminals, it’s tempting to conclude not. The problem for defenders, as documented in SophosLabs’ new report […]
City Balks at Paying $5.3 Million Ransomware Demand
City Balks at Paying $5.3 Million Ransomware Demand It’s easy to assume that ransomware has become so unstoppable that criminals can almost name their price to reverse attacks. While there is evidence that many victims pay up, it looks as if a growing number don’t, either negotiating a smaller ransom or simply refusing to play […]
Our New Website: “How Matters”
Our New Website: “How Matters” On June 1, 2019, we launched our new website that aligns more closely with our brand by focusing not on what we do, but on people; and how we do things. Why the New messaging? Research and analytics showed that site visitors were more interested in ‘who’ we are than […]