Chrome Plans To Save You From Sites That Mess With Your Back Button
Chrome Plans To Save You From Sites That Mess With Your Back Button If you’ve ever found the back button on your Chrome browser not working, Google will soon have a fix for you. Or more accurately, the developers behind the Chromium open source browser that underpins Chrome will soon have a fix for you. Your […]
Is Your PC Being Used For Cryptomining?
Is Your PC Being Used For Cryptomining? Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Monero are secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars, so naturally, hackers are looking for opportunities to mine them (“cryptomining”). They are using malicious tactics to obtain cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking. Is your PC safe, or has it […]
5 Ways Office 365 Migrations Fail
5 Ways Office 365 Migrations Fail Microsoft is always ensuring that their popular cloud-based productivity suite, Office 365, is constantly being improved. Because of the great applications and support offered, small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are continually migrating to the platform. If you are considering moving to Office 365 (or you already have), you should […]
Are You Wasting Your Office 365 Subscription?
ASHTON TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Even if the subscription model is making more companies look like slow money drains, subscribing to Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is well worth the investment. Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but that is actually the bare minimum that O365 offers. If […]
How Web Forms Can Steal Your Bandwidth and Harm Your Brand
How Web Forms Can Steal Your Bandwidth and Harm Your Brand Spamming is a word we all know and an activity we all loathe. The word “spam” has given us related terms such as SPIM for spam via instant messaging; SPIT for spam via internet telephony – robocalls and fake tech support scams, and SPEWS, which […]
Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services
Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services The saying that every company is a technology company is undeniably true, with today’s enterprises unable to function without digital hearts, veins, and arteries. This system, however, comes with a price: a daily onslaught of hacking and other cyberthreats. As such, expertise and robust solutions […]
Scammer pleads guilty to fleecing Facebook and Google of $121m

Scammer pleads guilty to fleecing Facebook and Google of $121m Large, worldly tech companies would never fall for a wire transfer invoice scam, would they? The truth is that any company can fall prey if the fraud is convincing enough – as shown by the case of 50-year-old Lithuanian, Evaldas Rimasauskas, who this week pleaded […]
Threats facing financial institutions today
Threats facing financial institutions today Despite efforts to remain secure, financial services make up 35% of all data breaches, earning the unfortunate title of most breached sector. It provides multiple avenues for cybercriminals to monetize their skills through extortion, theft, and fraud. These incidents compel businesses and individuals to take cybersecurity seriously. How prepared is […]
How good is your disaster recovery plan?
How good is your disaster recovery plan? You may think you know all about disaster recovery plans (DRP) from attending conferences or reading up on the subject. But one of the best ways to learn is by example, and the following real-life case offers valuable lessons. Learn about the DPR audit of a state government […]
Small Businesses Need Comprehensive Communications
Small Businesses Need Comprehensive Communications Does your business suffer from chronic miscommunication? Chances are that your business is not the only one. Small businesses often lack the ability to invest in solutions designed to cut down on communication problems in the workplace. To help your company’s workforce improve communication and collaboration, we’re going to discuss […]