Technology Basics: Bare Metal Restore
Technology Basics: Bare Metal Restore Sometimes an issue on your computer causes it to be so far gone that drastic action is needed to get

Enhancements Made to Google Maps
Enhancements Made to Google Maps Google Maps is a neat service that helps users navigate during their travels, but more upgrades are being released all

Fileless Malware Attacks Increasing
Fileless Malware Attacks Increasing Ransomware has been far from low-profile since its inception several years ago. Everyone knows what the file-encrypting malware does, and they

This Week’s Tech Term: Responsive Web Design
This Week’s Tech Term: Responsive Web Design Professionals who work in an office naturally have varying degrees of Internet use, but one thing remains the

An Ounce of Prevention?
An Ounce of Prevention? My absolute, without a doubt, least favorite part of my role as sales and marketing manager for Ashton Technology Solutions is

My Computer Is Slow. What Do I Do?
My Computer Is Slow. What Do I Do? There is a special kind of frustration that comes from a slow computer. We think it’s a

Like Many Business, Entertainment is Seeing Big Shifts
Like Many Business, Entertainment is Seeing Big Shifts Technology has changed the way that the average user has consumed media. “Binging” is one of the

Tip of the Week: Why Optimization Is Key to Your Success
Tip of the Week: Why Optimization Is Key to Your Success The business world is inherently somewhat Darwinian: instead of organisms with desirable traits surviving

Does Messaging Actually Slow Down Productivity?
Does Messaging Actually Slow Down Productivity? While email remains an important facet of professional business communications, the instant message is of rising importance in office